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We have changed our school's name to Manor Primary School. Look out for changes to our website.


(SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability)

Policy Statement


The school policy for Special Educational Needs (SEN) is one of integration and equal opportunity so that all pupils have access to the National Curriculum and are encouraged to achieve to their full potential.


The school follows the DCSF guidelines as stated in the Code of Practice for SEN 2014. If our assessments show that a child may have a learning difficulty a range of strategies are used that make full use of classroom and school resources. This level of support is called SEN Support.

Individual targets are introduced and monitored carefully.

Staff are able to request support from outside services when appropriate.

Should a child continue to demonstrate significant cause for concern a request for an Education and Health Care Plan can be made to the LA. If an EHC Plan is issued the LA is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the provision in liaison with the school.

At each stage the child’s progress is reviewed regularly.

Parents are informed and consulted at each of the stages and their views are essential in providing a strong partnership between home and school. Each new member is given an induction session outlining the school’s SEN policy, procedures and provision.

There is also close consultation with Manor Junior School to ensure continuity and progression with supporting individual children in the transfer between the Infant and Junior Schools.


Disability Equality Scheme


The school has responded to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 2005 by preparing a Disability Equality Scheme (DES). The implementation and impact of the scheme is monitored by the Governors.

There is also an Action Plan relating to the DES which runs alongside a Disability Access Plan. These are both reviewed on a yearly basis and form part of the School Development Plan.
