The Infant School dating from 1936, consists of:
The building is basically horse-shoe shaped enclosing a hard-surface playground and leading on to the adjoining playing fields, which are shared with Manor Junior School and Barking Abbey Secondary School. The Nursery have their own purpose built fenced-off garden.
The School is situated on the Leftley Estate, which is mainly residential area within a few minutes of Upney Lane tube station and Mayesbrook Park.
We currently have an additional school situated on the Longbridge Road. This site opened in September 2011 and is a three form entry Primary school.
Manor Infant School has become a five form entry Infant School with an attached Nursery. There are five parallel mixed ability Reception classes for rising five year olds, five parallel mixed ability Year One classes for rising six year olds and five parallel mixed ability Year Two classes for rising seven year olds. The Nursery provides part-time places for 130 rising four year old children.
In order to prevent congestion on Sandringham Road and possible accidents, to children, please observe the parking restrictions outside school.