Applications for nursery places should be made directly with the school as described in the next section. Applications for places in Reception classes (or for older children) must be made via the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. Email
Appeals: School admission appeals can be made via the council. Please email
Children can be admitted on a full or part-time basis, at the beginning of the academic year in which they are three. Applications to begin in our Nursery must be made by parents/carers directly to the school. Places in Nursery classes are allocated to children in the following order of priority:
Nursery admissions criteria, in strict priority order:
- Children who are in the care of the Local Authority.
- Children who have a brother or sister attending the school or linked Junior School at the date of admission.
- Children who live closest to a particular school at the date of admission measured in kilometres in a straight line.
Distance from home to school to be used as a tie breaker for pupils who have an equal claim for a place in a nursery using the above criteria. It should be noted that a place in Nursery does not guarantee or give priority for a place in a Reception Class.
Applying for places in Reception classes or for older children
If you would like to apply for a school place for your child, the Barking & Dagenham School Admissions Team will process your application. To access the admissions website, please click on the logo below.
Details about our school's admission arrangements are given below.
Admissions to Reception Classes
It is the policy of Barking and Dagenham Council that children are admitted to full-time Infant education in the September of the academic year in which they reach their fifth birthday.
Applications to attend a Reception Class at Manor Infant School or Manor Longbridge School should be made following the procedure explained on the council website (see link above).
Applications for school places for older children (and 'in year' applications) should also be made following the procedure explained on the council website (see link above).
Reception (and older) admissions criteria, in strict priority order:
If there are more applications for places than there are places available then the LA’s published criteria is used for deciding places.
- Children who are in the care of the Local Authority.
- Children who have a brother or sister attending the school or linked Junior School, on the same site, at the date of admission.
- Children who live closest to the school measured in kilometres in a straight line.
Note 1: The place may be withdrawn if parents move further away from the school prior to the date of admission.
Note 2: Having a sibling in a Nursery class does not give priority for admission to school.
Note 3: If it is proved a place has been allocated on the basis of false information the place may be withdrawn.