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We have changed our school's name to Manor Primary School. Look out for changes to our website.

Pastoral Care

‘In Loco Parentis’

Whilst children are in our care, the school is ‘in loco parentis’.

Great care will be taken by both teaching and non-teaching staff to ensure that the children feel secure and enjoy their school days; education is after all a partnership. Your support, interest and encouragement in all we do will prove invaluable now and throughout your child’s school career.

The classteacher is responsible in the first instance for the general welfare of all the children in his/her group. It is important therefore, that he/she should be kept informed of any medical problem or happening at home, which may affect the behaviour or educational progress of your child.


School Grounds

Dogs may not be brought onto the school grounds, with the exception of guide dogs. At no time should children ride bicycles through the playground, and in the interest of their own safety children should not be allowed to climb on the walls, fences or any other part of the school property.

If your child has a dental or medical appointment during school time, parents are required to inform the school in advance. If your child is ill, please kindly keep him/her away from school for at least one day after the illness has elapsed. Please inform the school as soon as you receive confirmation from your family doctor of any cases of infectious diseases. Medicine, of any kind, cannot be administered or brought into school, with the exception of epipens and prescribed inhalers for children who suffer from Asthma. In order to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act, parents should sign a consent form obtainable from the school office, allowing us to administer the inhaler as prescribed; without this signed form we are allowed to keep the inhalers/epipens in school. Please see the attached policy.


Emergency Contact Procedure
It is important that the school has up-to-date information of how parents may be contact during the daytime, in case of accident or sudden illness involving their child. Parents must ensure any amendments/changes are made known immediately by informing the school office so that the registration cards may be altered.

In the event of an accident or illness at school parents are contacted and asked to collect their child. If hospital treatment is required, parents are informed as soon as possible and they are asked to attend the hospital. Please telephone the school on the first day of absence.

As staff are ‘in loco parentis’ whilst your child is at school they will exercise the kind of influence over your child that would be exercised by you as a caring, prudent and reasonable parent. Staff do not use any form of physical punishment. Children’s misdemeanours are dealt with in appropriate ways e.g. withdrawal of privileges. Should a child persist in serious anti-social behaviour, the Headteacher will consult with parents about any joint action that it should be deemed necessary to take.

The general rules of behaviour are those which all parents, teachers and children should expect to be observed anywhere. No child or adult should be deliberately hurt or upset by another; they should be considerate and sensitive to individuals’ needs at all times.

It is helpful if children are subject to any of those abuses that they be encouraged to ask an adult (i.e. their teacher/dinnerlady) for help rather than to “give as good as they get”, which always leads to more difficulties. Children are not expected to deal with matters like this by themselves; there are always responsible adults available to help.


  • Manor Infant School believes that all children, teaching staff and non-teaching staff would show mutual care, respect, consideration and understanding to one another.
  • Good behaviour will be recognised and praised, unacceptable behaviour will always be dealt with in a positive manner.
  • All teaching and non-teaching staff will be aware of appropriate use of language and actions when dealing with behaviour.
  • Each class will display a set of negotiated class rules based on rights, rules, relationships and responsibilities.
  • All children will be treated with equal consideration regardless of race or gender; no form of racism or sexism will be accepted. Teachers will encourage through classroom activities e.g. circle time consideration, respect and tolerance for one another.
  • The Whole School Behaviour Policy is available for reading in the school office and there is a link below. 