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We have changed our school's name to Manor Primary School. Look out for changes to our website.

FSM & Pupil Premium

Free school meals (FSM) are a means-tested benefit which provides a child or young person with meals at school for free. When eligible for FSM, children benefit from a healthy nutritious meal and families could save more than £400 per year for each child. In addition, the school will also receive a payment called Pupil Premium. This payment is used by the school to fund valuable extra support for the children. Further details about how Pupil Premium payments are used by the school to support children can be found further down this page.


Applications for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium are anonymous and are made using an online application process. Please click here to visit the local authority's FSM information. On this page you will be able to read more about the benefit. At the bottom of the page, click on the 'Pupil Premium Registration Form' button to apply for Pupil Premium / Free School Meals. Alternatively, click here to access the registration page.

The documents below give details of our Pupil Premium Grant and other funding including how we use the money to support eligible children.
