Keeping children safe is a high priority for our whole school community. We strive to keep everyone safe while they are in school and within our curriculum we teach a range of age-appropriate skills to help children keep themselves safe in a variety of contexts.
We are very keen to work in partnership with parents and carers in this important area. As well as the information listed below, we hold regular coffee mornings and information meetings to discuss issues such as e-safety and health issues. Look out for more information in our newsletter and our Facebook page.
We will update this page over time so please let us know if there is anything that you feel we should include.
Mrs Khanom - Safeguarding Lead contact details:
Manor Infant School - 0208 270 6630
Manor Longbridge School - 0208 724 1111
Here are some links that will be useful to help you talk to your children about keeping them safe and how to report concerns. Please remember that you can always come in and speak to us if you have concerns or questions - ask to speak to Mrs Whitehead or one of the senior staff.
Our designated safeguarding and looked after children governor is Mrs Patricia Harvey. She can be contacted via the school office.
Please also refer to our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy below.
Children are taught about e-safety throughout the Computing Curriculum. Here are some useful websites to help you discuss the important subject with your child. There is also a downloadable edition of Digital Parenting, a magazine designed to help parents keep their children safe online.
Below are useful links and information from external organisations and groups.