It is very important that children attend school regularly. If your child is ill, or to be absent from school for any reason, parents must either write or telephone the school office stating the reason.
All absences taken as holiday, or without reasonable explanation will be noted as unauthorised absence and will count against your child in his/her attendance record.
Great emphasis is placed on regular attendance and close monitoring takes place on a very regular basis. In order to reward and encourage high levels of attendance the Governing Body have agreed the following:
Application for holiday leave of absence will be refused.
We would ask you to seriously reconsider taking holidays during term time.
Further details are listed on the LA’s official application form available from the school office. Missed school sessions can seriously hinder your child’s education.
Attendance Policy
The School considers that all absences from school will disrupt a child’s continuity of learning. As a consequence we believe that absences should be kept to a minimum.
All parents must request leave of absence using our standard form. All leave of absence for holidays will be recorded as unauthorised. If a child does not return by an agreed date the child’s place, at school, is likely to be withdrawn. We follow Government and LA guidelines on this issue. The school and Local Authority has the right to fine parents if they take unauthorised absence for their child. Children’s attendance is very carefully monitored by our Parenting Support Adviser, Attendance Officer and Borough Attendance Officer.