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Additional Resource Provision


At Manor Longbridge we have an Additional Resource Provision (ARP) that caters for twelve children with a diagnosis of autism. Each pupil undergoes rigorous assessment in order to ensure that their learning experiences are personalised and lead to good progress. A range of approaches and interventions are used to support and enhance the learning experience for all pupils.


All pupils have a schedule. This is a visual timetable of objects, photographs or symbols which explains where they need to go to next in the classroom and wider school environment. Pupils work for short periods at the group table, moving to a distraction free workstation or area to work on their personal learning targets. They have access to a range of outside play and leisure areas.


The ARP has several work areas; there is a main classroom which contains a number of workstations and play areas.  Adjoining this is a sensory room where there is a messy play tray, a dark tent with ultra violet toys which is used for sensory activities and a book area with bean bag.  We have our own safe outdoor play area which is equipped with a range of outside play equipment.


All children are on role in a class group within the main school which they integrate into throughout the school week. These sessions are allocated according to each pupil’s individual strengths and needs. They have support from of a member of staff from the ARP for this integration.


The ARP is well staffed. There are two teachers and five Teaching Assistants. All staff engage in specialist and ongoing training related to autism, teaching and learning. Other professionals who are available to support staff and pupils include an autism adviser, a speech and language therapist and an educational psychologist.
