The mentioned items of clothing can be purchased from any large store. Sweatshirts, T-shirts and PE and book bags, all with school logo, as well as PE shorts and swimming caps can be purchased via our school office. An order form and prices are towards the back of the prospectus.
Please label every item of clothing your child wears in school.
Indoor shoes are required in wet weather, if wellington boots are worn to school. Footwear needs to withstand running around the playground, so slip-on shoes, sling-back sandals or clumsy heels are not suitable for school wear.
Please ensure that your child wears clothes that are manageable; a child entering school should be able to put on outdoor clothes correctly.
Please ensure that your child brings a coat with him/her, unless the weather is guaranteed to be hot; what starts as a reasonable day may turn chilly/damp and children without a coat will be deprived of outdoor play.
Please ensure that your child wears a hat on very hot days as our playground has very little shade.