Home Page
We have changed our school's name to Manor Primary School. Look out for changes to our website.

Parent/Teacher Liaison

  • Parents are always welcome to visit the school  to discuss their child’s work or progress with the Headteacher or class teacher. It is helpful, however, if parents could telephone in advance to make an appointment.
  • Open evenings or open days are held each term. Parents will be informed in advance, by letter, of the date and times of these events.
  •  Each month parents will receive a ‘monthly newsletter’ which will give dates of events and other relevant information appertaining to the life of the school.
  • Termly curriculum letters are sent to parents by Year Group Leaders with regard to the topics children will be involved in.
  •  Bookfairs are organised termly for the purchase of fiction and non-fiction books. The school receives a discount upon their sale, this discount being put towards purchasing books for the school. A letter is sent home prior to each book event.
  • School enjoys support from the Friends of Manor Schools. Fundraising activities such as the Summer Fayre are organised and run by the Friends and all parents of children in both Manor Infant and Manor Junior Schools automatically belong to this association. The Friends of Manor organise other events and will send out letters accordingly.
  • We run a number of courses for our parents which have proved to be very successful. 
  • Parents are always welcome to help in school. If you would like to help please contact the school office. Please note that if you would like to help in school you must fill in a police check form which can be obtained from the school office.
Reporting to Parents
Parents will receive an annual report towards the end of the Summer Term. Attendance and punctuality are also recorded. A copy of the Annual Report is also kept with your child’s records in school. The report will be the main focus of discussion at the Summer Term parent/teacher consultations. During this time targets can be discussed and the partnership between home and school strengthened.