Contact Details
Manor Infant School is maintained by the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Authority (i.e. a Community School).
Any information required from the Authority may be obtained from:
Director of Education
Education Department
Town Hall
IG11 7LU
Tel. 020 8592 4500
The information contained in this booklet is current at the time of publication and has, I hope, given some idea of the organisation and aims of the school. Notification of changes will be sent out, as and when, they occur.
Access to other Information
If parents wish they may have access to the following documents:
- any DCSF circulars and Statutory Instruments sent to the Headteacher or the Governing Body, relating to the National Curriculum and to Religious Education;
- any published HMI report relating to the school;
- the LA’s complaints procedure relating to section 23 of the Education Reform Act;
- the agreed syllabus for Religious Education adopted by the LA, may be made via the school office. Where a copy of one of the documents listed above is required, a charge can be made to cover the cost of copying. Copyright materials may not be reproduced.