Home Page
We have changed our school's name to Manor Primary School. Look out for changes to our website.


The Governing Body have agreed a Homework Policy for the school and a copy is included for parents reference. It is expected that all parents will support their child(ren)’s learning by regularly (i.e. approximately 20 minutes daily):


  • sharing books, especially bedtime stories;
  • listening to your child read and discussing the stories;
  • learning nursery rhymes;
  • playing games (snap, ludo, snakes and ladders, I-spy etc);
  • learning spellings;
  • learning number facts;
  • talking with your child;
  • Using the computer together to support learning;


In Key Stage 2 the children will be expected to spend a longer time on homework. The class teacher will set a variety of maths and language activities for your child to complete. Work and books will be sent home from school on a regular basis. The year group termly newsletters will give further detailed information.


Please see our Homework Policy for further information.  This can be found in the 'Key Policies' page which can be accessed via the red pencil on the menu or by following the link below. 
