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Children’s Mental Health & Safer Internet Day/Week

From Monday 3rd to Friday 7th and Monday 10th – Friday 14th February 2025, Manor Primary will be acknowledging ‘Children’s Mental Health & Safer Internet Day/Week’ respectively. During the school week, children will discuss the following two themes: ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’ and ‘Too Good To Be True’.


As parents and carers, you play an important role in your child’s mental health. ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’ is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to both express and understand themselves. Below, is a link where you will find useful information and top tips on how to connect with your children:
Families - Children's Mental Health Week (


In addition to this, your children will have the opportunity to discuss using the internet safely and positively. This is a key message that we aim to promote both in school and beyond. By celebrating Safer Internet Day/Week, we have the opportunity to re-emphasise the online safety messages that we deliver throughout the year. Below is a link to The UK Safer Internet Centre who can provide you with a range of resources and practical tips to assist you in keeping your children safe online:
Safer Internet Day 2025 - UK Safer Internet Centre


At school, your children will carry out a range of activities including, assemblies, drama role-play, mindfulness walks, in-class yoga, poster designing and much, much more in attempt to spread two very important messages and encourage our young people to be more aware.


Please do speak to your children about these topics and discuss what they have been doing in school. The two links above will provide you with additional resources and as always, a member of the school team would be happy to answer any questions.


Yours Sincerely,
The Healthy Schools & Computing Teams
