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Manor Autumn Writing Competition

Manor Primary School Writing Competition


Manor Primary is delighted to announce the winners of the Autumn Writing Competition on the theme of Winter Wonderland.


Children were asked to produce a shape poem that captures this theme and showcases their creativity and literacy skills.


After viewing all the entries, a winner and runner up were selected from all year groups that participated and prizes were awarded to the following children:


  • Y1 Winner           –             Emilia    –             Class 4
  • Y2 Winner           –             Fiona     –             Class 9
  • Y3 Winner           –             Zaara     –             Class 10
  • Y5 Winner           –             Sophia   –             Class 17
  • Y6 Winner           –             Eraj        –             Class 21

* There were no entries received from Year 4

The winning entries will also be published in the school newsletter in due course, so please look out for them.


We look forward to launching the Spring Writing Competition very soon…
